In today’s interconnected world, where migration and integration issues play a significant challenge, fostering conscious leadership and promoting skills for conflict transformation is very important. TILDE, a transformative training program, has been researching diverse ways to empower individuals to navigate these challenges with compassion, understanding, and dialogue. In this blog, we present some inspiring videos with testimonials from participants who have undergone TILDE training programme in Switzerland, focusing on migration topics, conscious leadership and conflict transformation skills.
TILDE, developed by a European partnership of social organizations, proposes an innovative methodology based on Deep Democracy and Process Work paradigm, combined with creative approaches. Its main objective is to create dialogue spaces centered around the topic of migration, where all the voices can be listened, even the more difficult ones. Throughout the process, TILDE provides participants with the essential tools to address systemic power dynamics, foster dialogue, and ignite social change. By integrating theoretical knowledge, experiential activities, and practical exercises, TILDE empowers individuals to become conscious leaders capable of navigating the challenges associated with migration and societal transformation.

Videos: Testimonials from TILDE Participants
Let’s hear directly from the participants who have experienced the transformative power of TILDE. The following videos capture their personal journeys and reflections on the training program:
- [Video 1: Emilie’s Journey]
Emilie, a committed teacher for migrant youth in Lausanne, shares her experience with TILDE training. She emphasizes the significance of establishing facilitated spaces where individuals can freely express their emotions at their own pace. She highlights how the students, actively listen to one another, fostering a deeper understanding and realizing that they share similar experiences and emotions.
- 2. [Video 2: Dasha’s Perspective]
Dasha, a young migrant from Ukrania who participated in the TILDE training, shares the main learnings from the workshop. She talks about how TILDE equipped her with essential skills to navigate the challenges of diversity, fostering empathy and understanding among diverse opinions.
- [Video 3: Brigitte’s Learnings]
Brigitte, a passionated teacher at Ecole de l’Accueil in Lausanne, where she provides support and teaches French lessons to young migrants, shares her reflections on the transformative impact of TILDE training. She highlights its significance in both her professional and personal life, emphasizing the importance of embracing diversity and welcoming other’s opinions, gaining a deeper emotional understanding of different perspectives. She acknowledges the profound transformative potential of this process.
Emilie and Brigitte were the French teachers of the two classes with whom we had the pleasure of working and experiencing the TILDE training at the École de l’Accueil in Lausanne. Dasha was one of the students in this school.
The École de l’Accueil (EdA) caters to youth who have recently arrived in Switzerland and need to acquire basic French skills to pursue initial vocational training or continue their studies.
We extend our gratitude to Emilie and Brigitte for placing their trust in our project, as well as to all the young participants who took part in this training in Lausanne, and to everyone who attended the local trainings in different countries. We hope to see you again very soon!